Beginner Books for Harmonica

Learning Harmonica
Learning to play the harmonica can be an incredibly rewarding experience. It can help you to express yourself musically, and it can also provide hours of fun and relaxation. The main challenge for beginners is learning the basics of the instrument, such as how to hold it, how to blow and draw, and how to make the right notes. By reading beginner harmonica books, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the instrument and learn the chords, scales, and techniques needed to play it. With the right guidance, you will be able to make beautiful music in no time.
Top 12 Picks
Harmonica Primer Book for Beginners with Video and Audio Access by Tom Wolf(4.5 stars, published on Dec 27, 2017).

This primer book is designed for beginning harmonica players, and features video and audio access to help the student learn proper hand and mouth positions, scales, chords, double stops, vibrato, trills, cross harp, bends, and over 30 songs. This book is perfect for those seeking to learn the basics of harmonica playing, as its step-by-step instructions and audio/video accompaniment make it easy to learn and practice. Perfect for the budding musician, this book is great for all ages.
Easiest Harmonica Songbook Ever!: 100 Songs for Blues Harp in C! (4.4 stars, published on Mar 12, 2017).

This book is perfect for people who are just starting to learn to play the harmonica, as it is full of songs that are easy to understand and learn without needing to read music. It also includes chord symbols and chord diagrams for guitar, so friends can join in the fun. This book is great for beginners who want to learn quickly, and for those who want to add more songs to their repertoire.
Absolute Beginners Harmonica - Book/Online Audio (4.5 stars, published on Dec 31, 1999).

Absolute Beginners Harmonica is a comprehensive course designed for those who want to learn to play the harmonica. It includes step-by-step pictures, practical advice, and tips, as well as access to accompanying audio. It is ideal for beginners as it provides an easy-to-follow introduction to the instrument and helps them get started quickly. It is best for those who are looking for a straightforward, comprehensive course for learning the basics of harmonica playing.
First 50 Songs You Should Play on Harmonica (4.6 stars, published on Jan 1, 2016).

First 50 Songs You Should Play on Harmonica is a book that provides easy-to-read harmonica tab, standard notation, basic lyrics and chord symbols for the most popular songs. This book is perfect for beginners who are eager to learn some songs, as it provides a wide range of styles and easy to understand instructions. It is the best choice for those looking to learn the harmonica quickly and develop their skills.
How To Play The Harmonica: A Beginners Guide to Learn How To Play The Harmonica by Jason Randall(4.3 stars, published on Sep 9, 2017).

This book, How to Play the Harmonica, is a great guide for those who want to learn how to play this popular and portable wind instrument. It explains the parts of the harmonica, the different types, tunings, and techniques, from single note pucker playing to note-bending, to help beginners master a wide variety of sounds and styles. This book is the perfect resource for those looking to learn the harmonica quickly and easily.
Blues Harp from Scratch: Blues Harmonica for Absolute Beginners (Learn to Play (Music Sales)) (4.3 stars, published on May 1, 1998).

Blues Harp from Scratch is a user-friendly guide by Mick Kensella for absolute beginners who want to learn blues harmonica. It covers songs, note bending, blues riffs, the wah wah effect, and solos, and the accompanying CD contains audio demonstrations of the examples in the book. This book is perfect for those who want to challenge and hone their harmonica chops, and will be the most useful for those with some experience, as it moves at a moderate pace.
Harmonica for Kids: Simple Guide to Learn and Play the Diatonic Harmonica and Have Fun with Easy Songs in Tablature Notation by Darren Hills(4.6 stars, published on Apr 17, 2019).

Harmonica for Kids is a great guide for children and their parents who are just starting out on the harmonica. With easy-to-understand instructions, helpful illustrations, and engaging exercises, this book provides the perfect entryway into learning the harmonica. The best time to use this book is when the child is interested in learning, and it can provide parents with a great way to bond with their children.
Folk/Rock: Harmonica Play-Along Volume 4 (4.5 stars, published on Aug 1, 2010).

Folk/Rock Harmonica Play-Along Volume 4 is an instructional book published in 2010 that helps beginners learn to play their favorite songs quickly and easily. With the help of notation, audio, and backing tracks, readers can learn how to play the harmonica and even sing the melody and lyrics. This book is perfect for anyone looking to learn how to play the harmonica and sing folk and rock songs.
Disney Songs for Harmonica: 30 Favorites Arranged for Diatonic Harmonica (4.5 stars, published on Apr 1, 2017).

Disney Songs for Harmonica is an ideal book for those looking to learn how to play classic Disney songs on the harmonica. It is perfect for beginners, as the songs come in easy-to-comprehend keys and the arrangement of the songs are suitable for any player. With 30 favorites, it is great for harmonica players of any level.
Harmonica Songbook: Hymns & Songs of Worship by Thomas Balinger(4.6 stars, published on Dec 2, 2016).

Harmonica Songbook: Hymns & Songs of Worship by Thomas Balinger is a great collection of hymns and songs of worship arranged for Blues Harp (10-channel diatonic harp, system Richter) in C. It is written for beginners and features additional Harp tablature, guitar chords and chord diagrams. This book is perfect for someone who wants to learn how to play the harmonica and start playing with friends right away. In addition, the accompanying guitar chords make it ideal for those who are accompanying themselves or playing with others.
Harmonica For Beginners: Learn, Play, Have Fun with Harp. Easiest Practical Guide (4.0 stars, published on Nov 8, 2019).

Harmonica For Beginners is a practical guide for those looking to learn the harmonica, have fun with it, and play their favorite songs. This book is organized into step-by-step chapters with diagrams and covers everything from proper hand positioning to chord and high note exercises, as well as how to amplify one's sound. It's ideal for those just starting out, as it provides a fun and easy method to learn and play the harmonica.
Super Easy Harmonica Sheet Music for Beginners: A Beginner Harmonica Book for Adults and Kids—50 Popular Songs with Big Letter Notes and Harmonica TAB! (Large Print Letter Notes Sheet Music) by Troy Nelson(nan stars, published on Mar 12, 2023).

Super Easy Harmonica Sheet Music for Beginners is a beginner book for adults and kids to learn to play the harmonica with 50 popular songs. This book includes extra-large music staffs and notes, letters (note names) inside every notehead, lyrics, and in-score harmonica TABs to help beginners learn the harmonica. It is perfect for those who want to learn to play the harmonica quickly and easily.
To Sum Up
Learning Harmonica from books is an excellent way to begin your journey as a harmonica player. It's a low cost option and the books can provide a solid foundation of the basics of harmonica playing. With the right books, you can start learning how to play a variety of tunes and develop basic techniques. Once you learn the basics, you can move on to more advanced techniques and learning materials such as video lessons and online courses. Books also provide a great way for beginners to get comfortable with the instrument before investing in more expensive equipment.